Saturday, August 11, 2007

Prodigal Son of Spade Milan Jacovich (by Les Roberts)

In this new feature we track down the writers of Sons of Spade we haven't seen them in awhile and try to find out what's the score. First up is Les Roberts who we asked 3 questions:
1) Will Milan Jacovich return?
2) Why haven't you written about him for some time now?
3) What's up next for you?

Les had to say:
Interesting questions. FIrst of all, Milan Jacovich WILL be back early next year in "King of the Holly Hop," published by Gray and Company. I'm currently writing a screenplay based on one of Milan's past adventures, "The Irish Sports Pages," which will be flmed mostly in Cleveland next year and will probably be released in early 2009.

I haven't written about Milan "for some time" because I was deeply involved with writing other things. After my first 13 Milan books and my six Saxon books, I wanted to tackle something that was NOT a "private eye" novel.

While co-writing the screenplay I'm also working hard on a novel NOT about Jacovich, set in 1985 in Youngstown, Ohio during a period when the mob absolutely ruled the area and made Youngstown into "An Open City." KIt's called "The Youngstown Tune-Up" (at the moment), and I hope to finish it before the first of the year (2008).


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