Saturday, February 23, 2008

Background Check on Crosshairs (Lee Henry Oswald) by Harry Hunsicker

We talked with Harry Hunsicker about the latest Lee Henry Oswald novel, Crosshairs.

1) How long did it take you to write the novel?
About eight months.

2) Where did you come up with the plot, what inspired you?
Two things. I wanted to see what Hank Oswald would be like if he was no longer operating as a private detective. I also wanted to explore how our society is controlled by corporations, specifically the big pharmaceutical companies.

3) Oswald is semi-retired, Olson is on his own, Nolan got a boob-job and hitched... Why did you decide to shake things up like that? And am I right in thinking this might be the last in the series based on those changes?
Writing a novel is like anything else worthwhile in life: you have to keep stretching and pushing yourself or you grow stagnant. I have very rough sketches in mind for another two Oswald books; however, at the moment I am finishing a standalone crime novel. (See previous comment about stretching oneself.)

4) Did you visit / talk with any Travelers for the book?
No. I thought about it but some friends who are involved in law enforcement advised against it.

5) Several people have commented they still need some explanations about the plot. Did you leave things a bit vague intentionally or need the readers just learn to think harder?
“Who are these people?” the author asked suspiciously.
I haven’t seen those comments but in general I do like books that leave things a little open-ended.

6) There's quite a couple of guns in the book. Do you have any experience with them?
I used to shoot skeet, the shotgun game where the shooter walks around a half-circle and fires at clay targets. Even though that involves shotguns, you tend to pick up a lot of general knowledge about guns.

7) Which scenes did you enjoy writing the most?
I really enjoy writing a scene where something happens that I didn’t expect.

8) Who is your favorite among the characters in the novel?

9) What are the best things people have said about the novel and which the worst?
My favorite comments come from family members and old friends who invariably say something like: “I read your book and I really liked the story. It was very good which surprised me.”
Worst? My first book, STILL RIVER, briefly explored some of the very real social and economic differences between various areas of the city. A couple of commentators took me to task for using the real setting of Dallas in a work of fiction.

10) Is there anything else you'd like to say about the novel?
Please buy many many copies.

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