Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Cleveland Creep (Milan Jacovich) by Les Roberts

I'd almost forgotten what a great example of solid PI writing Les Roberts is.
Milan Jacovich is back in action, trying to track down a missing young man with a perverse hobby. This draws Milan into the world of porn and gets him to clash with the FBI and puts his friendship with a mobster at risk.
He gets some help this time from ex-soldier K.O. Bannion, a young man who has the tendency to think with his fists instead of his brains.
I was a bit worried at first that Milan would loose his toughness with the introduction of this sidekick, but luckily it's made clear Milan may have gotten older but he is still pretty tough.
All in all, Les serves up a solid tale of PI fiction in the classic style of the nineties, to me one of the best and underrated periods in PI fiction.