Friday, May 18, 2012

Little Elvises (Junior Bender) by Timothy Hallinan

Junior Bender, Timothy's unique take on the PI and caper novels is back. A cool cross between Bernie Rhodenbarr and Spenser, our hero is hired to find out who killed a tabloid reporter.
Also, the owner of the hotel where Junior is staying asks him to find her missing daughter.
Together with his daughter he delves into the past of the Elvis lookalikes managed by Vincent DiGaudio and finds out there's a lot more about the music scene of the fifties than you might expect. Along the way he has to cope with his feelings for the reporter's widow and how to tell his daughter about her.
Often funny, always thrilling and surprising this is another awesome hardboiled mystery.

1 comment:

  1. Hallinan is the goods. His Bender stories are miles away from the Poke Rafferty series, but just as good, in their own way. He's one of a small handful of writers of whom I'll read whatever they put out.
