Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Cadaver Blues (Phuoc Goldberg) by J.E. Fishman

Phuoc Goldberg is a debtman who doesn't seem to be very tough at first glance. In the first few pages he shows you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, punching out a young punk's teeth out.
What follows is not as hardboiled as you might expect, but it IS pretty funny and breezy stuff. Phuoc is hired by the hot Mindy Eider to track down her uncle before the bank owns the house he isn't paying off. Phuoc is not a PI and that makes the investigation a bit haphazard. I had a lot of laughs because of the funny dialogue and cynical comments Phuoc made. It did take a bit longer for the thriller part to step into overdrive and make me enjoy this as a crime novel as well as a comedy.
If you like your detectives a bit screwy this makes for a nice little read. I for one, will be there for the second Phuoc Goldberg Fiasco (as this series has been named) to see where J.E. Fishman takes his (anti-)hero.

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