Monday, November 11, 2019

The Big Crescendo (Lou Crasher) by Jonathan Brown

As anyone who reads my Lenny Parker serial knows I dig some music influences in my PI story. And this one really has that one covered. My Lenny is a roadie and bassplayer, this novel's Lou Crasher works at a practice joint and plays the drums. He's also black and Canadian, trying to make a living in the City of Angels.
When the gear of a beautiful customer gets stolen Lou sets out to find it back, citing his hero Rockford as an example. Using his work as a drummer as a cover he gets entangled deeper and deeper in criminal doings and drugrunners. Not a real PI, he makes his set of mistakes but never backs down. Luckily he's got some goodlooking martial artist and a tough black dude in his corner to help him out.
Enjoyable, with a dash of action and fun. Low on the mystery, high on the pacing. I'm looking forward to the second novel in this series.

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